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'Surviving The Cuts, And Other Disasters' by Korban Blake

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 11:04 am
by EcoTreedweller
I started to read this book, Surviving The Cuts, And Other Disasters, because I wanted to learn new ways of saving money in these tough economic times. I would say I'm fairly savvy on the money-saving front, but always on the look out for new ideas.

Though this book, by the title, sounds a bit like a disaster manual, for a lot of people, having no basic living essentials like food and heating are a disaster. One of the things I like is that it is written by a British author, and written with people living in the UK in mind (many of these types of books offer advice which is more relevant for people in the US, so this is great).

There is actually a lot of useful information here, for people trying to save money, trying to manage without money, and in more extreme scenarios. I particularly like the way it is set out, into each type of living necessity, so you can flick through to the relevant section, and that it is not written using complicated language.

It also talks a bit about environmental risks like peak oil, which I learned something about through the Transition movement (which gets a mention here), and fracking too.

You can get a copy of the e-book in different formats. I got mine direct from the author here (as I don't much like Amazon's tax-paying record) - and I would absolutely recommend people read it:

Surviving The Cuts, And Other Disasters by Korban Blake
Surviving The Cuts, And Other Disasters by Korban Blake
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