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Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 6:22 pm
by spitfire
it was also on yahoo news on the day i posted it. the yahoo news article was about another state here in the usa, the one in our local paper a few days earlier was about a subdivision here in sacramento california.

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 7:48 pm
by Shirley
amazed - and joining the head shaking group!

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:07 pm
by crowsashes
hmmm ... :salute: bit daft if you ask me.

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:28 pm
by spider8
Yep, I'm shaking my head too.
Having a husband who is an amateur radio nut, we have never had washing lines, we have had aerials instead. Any washing line poles have been stripped of their lines to be replaced by these aerials (look very similar to me :dontknow: ) and I've never been able to hang out washing and we've never had a tumble drier either.
All washing gets draped on various airers or put on hangers (comes out of high spin washer almost dry anyway) and ignored by me for as long as possible as ironing is my most hated chore :pukeright:
Now we are in Orkney we've heard that a washing line can be a good way to make friends and meet people as you can travel many miles to retreive your blown-away washing, so I'm told - cream valance sheet last seen heading towards Hoy! Personally we prefer using Freecycle, made loads of friends through that :icon_smile:
I still haven't got a washing line.............probably never will but, tbh, I don't miss one however how can some places ban something like that - mental!

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:49 pm
by ElizabethBinary
I use a dryer 90% of the time. Not because of the weather or anything, really. I could use the line, except that's right where the dog's s***, and the line only holds 1 1/2 loads (I do 4-5 at a time, usually).. and because I have the WORST memory and that stupid line is on the most AWKWARD side of the house I never check and....

... I bleach a lot of my clothes 'cause I forget they're out there, okay? :oops:

If I don't use a dryer, we end up with white streaks across all our clothes, haha. I want to work on trying the line again, but I swear... every single time I forget it out's there. And since I do all my laundry one day a week... it's a week before I see it again. Whiter this time.

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:01 pm
by liskeardjane
See Facebook - I love to hang my washing out to dry - I've signed up a lot of people! Let go viral with this - I part dried clothes today, even though there was snow on the ground, the air was bone dry and a good dry wind. I part dried six bath towels and then finished drying them on the shelia maid.

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:39 am
by Millymollymandy
ElizabethBinary wrote:I use a dryer 90% of the time. Not because of the weather or anything, really. I could use the line, except that's right where the dog's s***, and the line only holds 1 1/2 loads (I do 4-5 at a time, usually).. and because I have the WORST memory and that stupid line is on the most AWKWARD side of the house I never check and....

... I bleach a lot of my clothes 'cause I forget they're out there, okay? :oops:

If I don't use a dryer, we end up with white streaks across all our clothes, haha. I want to work on trying the line again, but I swear... every single time I forget it out's there. And since I do all my laundry one day a week... it's a week before I see it again. Whiter this time.
That's one of the reasons I hate the things because they ruin your clothes bleaching that line on them. The 2nd is bird shit and also I hate peg marks on clothes - I don't iron t-shirts but I don't want peg marks on them either. Oh and the 4th reason is that clothes lines are just downright ugly!

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:45 pm
by Meredith171
I don't know what I would do without my clothes line! grandma has one, Mom has one and I thought everybody had one! What is better than spending time outside in the sunshine, hanging up laundry and having it dry natually and smell wonderful!!??!?!?

In the winter months, I use wooden drying racks in from of the pellet stove. It not only heats the house but dries the clothes pretty fast!

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:48 pm
by liskeardjane
Hi Millymollymandy and Elizabeth - you could make a badge "remember the washing" if it's dry where you are hang the clothes out before you go to bed and bring them in the morning - the sun does bleach them if you leave them out for too long. You could just hang out the whites - or put out a clothes stand just by the door you use so you don't forget. Unless electricity is free and green where you live - can I not beg, very , very nicely that if you have sunshine that you hang outside. It's free and green - I am begging xxx

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:40 pm
by ElizabethBinary
liskeardjane wrote:Hi Millymollymandy and Elizabeth - you could make a badge "remember the washing" if it's dry where you are hang the clothes out before you go to bed and bring them in the morning - the sun does bleach them if you leave them out for too long. You could just hang out the whites - or put out a clothes stand just by the door you use so you don't forget. Unless electricity is free and green where you live - can I not beg, very , very nicely that if you have sunshine that you hang outside. It's free and green - I am begging xxx
I do hang the whites up, but the get pooed on sometimes. Erghs.

I do pay extra for green energy, but again, not free. At least it's green? Ahhh boo. I have bleached so many nice dresses... I'll try overnight for smaller loads since my line is so tiny. I'll put thongs by the door so I don't step in doggypoo.

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 1:52 pm
by Flo
Just remind me not to move to posh areas - we all have clothes lines in my terrace. Suits us. As we have yards of our own and they are on our way in/out of house we are not going to forget them unless we don't go out of the house for 10 days.

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:47 pm
by liskeardjane
I've noticed every one has their washing hanging out in the winter sunshine today, I part dry mine out side then put it next to the radiator in the evening but I don't have a machine to dry it and I mostly wash the clothes by hand anyway. Saves energy and costs and is of course greener

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:56 pm
by Milims
We had sunshine here today too. So I put some washing out - it didn't dry at all but it was nice to see it flapping on the line for the first time in ages.

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:07 pm
by liskeardjane
Don't mean to boast Milims, but it was about 10 degrees here today and every I washed byhand almost dried, just finishing off towels and tee shirts on the rads before they go off at 8. But Cornwall is the tropics compared to some places.

Re: HANGING CLOTHES TO DRY / news article.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:26 am
by Flo
Sigh - the things that happen in Cornwall that we don't get here (well you know that it's grim up north don't you? :mrgreen: :lol: )