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Re: Looking for a top-notch digging hoe

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:38 pm
by MKG
I bought a heavy-duty axe-head mattock just the other day. Now, several tree-stumps which I couldn't touch before are up, a lot of paving slabs have been easily lifted, and a very intransigent pond, complete with ancient weed-proof membrane, has been defeated. Why, oh why, didn't I get one of these things earlier? I wouldn;t be seen dead without it now.


Oh - Grandad's wisdom. After you've mounted the head and banged in the wedges, soak the whole thing in water for a few hours (better still, linseed oil) which expands the wood for a better hold and reduces the impact shock when it's in use.

Re: Looking for a top-notch digging hoe

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:42 am
by safronsue
these are ubiquitous here in greece where they are called tsapas.i have inherited several of various sizes. however they are all in poor shape and i want to sharpen and replace handles. i'd appreciate any tips on how to go about this. or would it be better just to buy new ones?


Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:33 pm
by Christine
Stonehead wrote:For those who are wondering what these various hoes look like, have a look at Get Digging,
Excellent tip - thanks for the link. I bought an azada some time ago at the local tiny tool shop but have given it to my sister on permanent 'loan' to deal with the chalky flinty soil in her Sussex garden. Meanwhile, on my clay soil I use a mattock my dad re-handled and sharpened for me. But what I really, really want is long-handled tools to give my back a rest. I like the look of the Chillington tools, too.

Re: Looking for a top-notch digging hoe

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:42 pm
by Minnesota
Great thread and great reading... :thumbright:
I'd love to get my fingernails dirty today ....BUT everything is frozen up. :happy9:
Maybe I'll re-pot an indoor plant :iconbiggrin:

Re: Looking for a top-notch digging hoe

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:06 pm
by Durgan

I have one similar to the first picture, but with a long handle as shown in the second picture. It is heavy and strong, and made for pounding. Peasants (slaves) use to line up in fields breaking the soil similar to plowing. It is back breaking work using such a tool. Any tool with a handle that utilises muscle power is hard work. The rototiller is the replacement, since slavery is no longer in vogue. I seldom use the tool.