How can I make a cat ramp?

The whole reason for the selfsufficientish website was to offer a place where anyone can ask, HOW DO I...? So who knows why it has taken us so long to have a HOW DO I? section, but here it is. So if you want to know how to do anything selfsufficientish then here is the place to ask.
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Barbara Good
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How can I make a cat ramp?

Post: # 294235Post fruitfly »

My cat is getting on and doesn't spring up the stairs as he used to, and may also be hypertensive (awaiting test results). I want to help him by putting a plank up along the side of the stairs (a bit like those for bicycles in railway stations), which is the bit I could probably manage. What I also need is something to make it grabby for him to make his climb safe and easy. I had thought of spreading glue on it then dusting it with sand but that would be messy and I'm not sure it would be really effective for the purpose. Better still, is there something ready made that would fit the bill?

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Re: How can I make a cat ramp?

Post: # 294236Post Green Aura »

If he's like every other cat I know his claws will do the job just fine.

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Re: How can I make a cat ramp?

Post: # 294237Post Odsox »

A strip of carpet glued or tacked to the plank?

Disclaimer: I almost certainly haven't a clue what I'm talking about.

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Re: How can I make a cat ramp?

Post: # 294244Post fruitfly »

It turns out he's not as ill as I thought we was, but thank you for the suggestions :)

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Re: How can I make a cat ramp?

Post: # 294274Post Viper254 »

The other material is that gritty black stuff that's used on the top of skateboards...
AKA Simon.

Trying to get to grips with a Staffordshire allotment (UK)

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Re: How can I make a cat ramp?

Post: # 294277Post KathyLauren »

You could put wooden cleats across it.

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