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And now there's chicken pox...

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:39 am
by Annpan
Top tips please.

My shingles has give E chicken pox. (inevitable really, despite what the doctor said)

She has just developed the first itchy spots today... so far a tightish t-shirt and tights have stopped her clawing at them and I have some EOs that I can use on her (diluted obviously) but I was just reading about antihistamines to stop the itching... does anyone think honey would help?

She hasn't been very ill so far, more sleepy than anything else...and keeps telling me that biscuits make her feel better... hmm... I sense a ruse...

I am still poorly but doing OK.

Re: And now there's chicken pox...

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:27 am
by thesunflowergal
Oh no Ann!!

When you bath E add Bicarb of Soda, this worked wonders for my girls much better than antihistamines. The eldest had it really quite badly.

How are you feeling now?

Re: And now there's chicken pox...

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:47 am
by Annpan
thesunflowergal wrote:
How are you feeling now?
I'm doing OK, I feel coldy again this morning (puffy eyes, runny nose, sore throat) but those symptoms have been coming and going. My in laws are stars, they took E for the day on Monday and they have just taken her again for a few hours today (which means she is lying on a sofa at their house being waited on... she does that when she is well too :roll: :lol: )

Getting a break from being a full-time mum is good, even if it is just a few hours... and she will be returned to me with a bottle of calamine lotion, just in time for a nap.

I have been struggling through the days and going to bed early every night... just feeling tired and poorly really... and the itching....grrrr... the itching.... but Green Aura sent me a small bottle of oils which have been a God send.

Don't know how long this is going to last, I keep thinking I am milking it but I haven't got enough energy to really do anything :( thank goodness for the computer and my crafts and my wee online shops, they have been giving me something to focus on... which is better that just going mad sitting here. (I have been making juggling balls, they are good fun)

Re: And now there's chicken pox...

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:23 am
by Millymollymandy
Sorry you are feeling so grotty - sometimes it's better to be really ill and in bed for a few days such as with flu and then get better, rather than something that drags on and on and you just feel grotty without feeling you need to stay in bed. Sorry about your daughter too but thank god for the inlaws! :cheers:

Re: And now there's chicken pox...

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:34 pm
by Rosendula
You know what they say about chicken pox - it's better to get them young because it's not so bad. When Katie got them not so long back she wasn't ill with them at all. In fact they barely even itched her. But that may be because we didn't tell her they were meant to itch :mrgreen:

Here's a hug :hugish: and one for E :hugish: I do hope you both feel better soon.

Re: And now there's chicken pox...

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:37 pm
by becks77
Sorry for both of you, chicken pox is no fun, For itchy ezcma they do recommend oat meal in the bath water, I wonder if that might sooth chicken pox spots too , (I tie mine in an old sock under the tap- or else the oatmeal gets everywhere!) Hope you're both on the mend soon.

Re: And now there's chicken pox...

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:03 pm
by Annpan
LOL... too right...

I have said that this Christmas I am asking for a bath, would be nicer as a birthday present :wink:

We do have a bath, but we don't have hot running water, we boil kettles for E's bath (squeezing into a baby bath atm) and we have an electric shower for us.

I'll survive thanks guys.

Re: And now there's chicken pox...

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:28 pm
by red
well no surprise there then - stupid doctor.

i had CP as an adult and it ws no fun - spots on the lungs etc. but the ill bit came before the spots - so likely E is over the worst now anway. keep her nails short...
and i found after sun aloe vera gel - the kidn to soothe sunburn very comforting.

Re: And now there's chicken pox...

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:32 pm
by Muscroj
Both my boys had CP a few weeks ago (aged 3 & 18 months) I found that neither were bothered too badly in the day but around day 3 & 4 at night G (aged 3) would wake crying & ask for his nappy to be changed, think the wee was making his bits & bobs sting. So I turned to junior anti-histamine in the evening as as well as help the itching it does help them sleep and this seemed to help a great deal, either that or I timed it when it was about to run it's course anyway.

I found he did itch more after a week when they started to scab over, but at least by then he wasn't 'poorly' as well.

Re: And now there's chicken pox...

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:46 pm
by Annpan
Well, she was running around at her grandparents but I have put her down for a nap now and she is sound asleep... I think she is still doing what she did as a baby when poorly, which was just to sleep 20 hours a day.

I feel God awful now... really shivery and fluish.. but obviously well enough to stay on the puter :wink: