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3g and broadband through mobile conection

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:19 pm
by Dave
My housemate recently moved out taking his broadband connection with him. I was left with the dilema of taking out a 12 month contract with cable or getting BT to install a landline for £120! As I'm only going to be there 3 months at the most neither seemed that appealing.

My next move should be on to my own boat and I was therefore considering getting a 3G connection. I was wondering if there is anyone with a similar conection and if they are worthwhile. My fear is that my coverage might be good now but when I move to the canal in three months there'll be nothing at all and I'll have to travel from my moorings each time I need a signal! Also they seem a little expensive so are there any good deals that anyone would recommend?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:38 pm
by Magpie
Hmmm, no help from me I'm afraid, but will be interested in any replies. We are thinking of having no phone lines when we build, but are just out of 3G coverage. Any other solutions?

We can get the phone line if we want, by the way, just thinking of being a bit more independant.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:22 pm
by Shirley
What about satellite broadband? We contemplated that before BT rolled out the broadband in Herefordshire

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:49 am
by revdode
I know some people who use 3G phones with bluetooth as modems (no wires) an neat trick but at a cost. Most 3G systems are still charging by the Mb - you pay for what you use, if you are a light user this probably isn't an issue, for regular surfers you get to pay for all those bloody ads and pointless pictures, autostart animations and music tracks (current site excepted).
The speed I've seen using 3G is acceptable for reading mail and surfing but it didn't seem as nippy as even basic broadband. Shop around you may find someone offering contracts with anytime data allowances or even unlimited* as is on offer in the states now.

*The usual reasonable usage rules apply meaning unlimited is limited but we aren't going to let you know until you break it.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:03 pm
by contadino
I access the internet via bluetooth and GPRS (because EDGE hasn't reached my area yet.) Here in Italy there is a EUR 30/month deal for 5Gb of data, which is pretty handy as at these speeds it would be practically impossible to achieve 5Gb in a month. To rub salt in the wound, each summer they offer free access (as in they don't count the data) between midnight and 8am.

The weak link in the equation is bluetooth, which seems to randomly drop the connection, normally when you're just about to click the 'Send' button. I'm planning on getting a USB modem with GPRS/EDGE/UTMS in the near future. In the meantime you kinda get used to living at 'back-in-the-80s' speeds. :roll:

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:56 am
by Dave
Agghh! Dial up speeds-I've got so used to broadband I'm not sure I could deal with that. Think this is going to have a bit more thought put into it. I guess the bonus with such slow speeds is that it would be a little harder to reach your GB limits. A friend of mine has a satalite connection but it cost him a fortune to put it in and I'm not sure how good that would be on a boat-don't they have to be on a fixed point?
Thanks for all the advice everyone, I think I'm going to have to rely on other peoples connections until I get the boat. Can't help feeling a little lost without broadband though.