I had a look on his site and its a little marketed for my liking, (is that a complaint)? Not that much info, but anyway, I think I sometimes complain too much and could perhaps do something about it. The idea with this experiment is that you will become happier with your lot if you can manage 21 days without a single moan, gripe or complaint. I'm thinking of starting this on Monday and tracking my progress on this thread.Simply put the bracelet on either wrist and every time you complain switch it to the other wrist. The goal is to go 21 consecutive days without complaining or switching the bracelets
So to recap, you get a braclet (any will do) or even a ring would do the trick I'm sure. Every time you complain you have move it to the other wrist. You keep wearing it until you have gone 21 days without a moan. Anyone else in?