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101 Ish Tips for new allotment holders.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:59 pm
by Harasimow
1) Identify what weeds are annuals and add there leaves to the compost bin.
2) Get a supply of manure from a stables if you dont ask you dont get
3 Composting will happen naturally but for "quick" compost add large amounts at one go and turn weekly
4) Identify you soil type and ph levels
5) Draw up a plan of your beds
6) mark out your beds with string
7) Cover beds with plastic or old carpet to warm up the soil and supress weeds
8) Nature isnt in to much of a rush in the spring and nor should you be.
9) Plan your dates for germinating, transplanting and planting out for all the different veg types your growing
10) Read up on crop rotation (Year 1 manure, potatoes, Year 2 lime, legumes, Year 3 brassicas, year 4 compost, roots and other back to year 1)
11) Invest in good quality tools and look after them.

Re: 101 Ish Tips for new allotment holders.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:26 am
by Green Rosie
12. Get to know other allotment holders - they hold a wealth of information and often have freebie seedlings etc to give away
13. Decide what you really like to eat and grow that first. As you get more experienced and confident add more crops to your growing list
14. If at first you don't succeed - try, try again

Re: 101 Ish Tips for new allotment holders.

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:34 am
by becks77
15.Have patience.
16.There's no right or wrong way

Re: 101 Ish Tips for new allotment holders.

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:57 am
by citizentwiglet
17. Love your comfrey and your nettles
18. Make sure you grow plants that attract beneficial insects
19. Get a bokashi bran composter if you're too impatient to wait for compost
20. Make leafmould

Re: 101 Ish Tips for new allotment holders.

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 1:46 pm
by grahamhobbs
21. Mulch, mulch, mulch (saves weeding and watering, and plants are less stressed)
22. Deter slugs by preventing those moist shady places where they like to hang out (keep grass well cut)
23. Raise plants in modules, planting out after 'hardening off' and large enough not to be attractive to slugs
24. Look out for old good quality secondhand tools rather than shiny new stainless steel ones, which are often rubbish.

Re: 101 Ish Tips for new allotment holders.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:32 pm
by misty44
25. Buy seeds later in the season when they are often less than half price then look forward to next year
26. Get the biggest water butt you can
27. Plan the allotment layout before you begin
28. Learn about combination planting

Re: 101 Ish Tips for new allotment holders.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:18 pm
by Rosendula
29. measure different bits of your hand, fingers and trowel so you can use them as a rough measurement for seed sowing and planting distances.
30. expect weeds, whatever measures you take to combat them. Unless you can be there every single day to pull up the little baby weeds, they will come back. One week off for holidays or sickness and you can suddenly feel very overwhelmed by the weeds. Don't worry. We all suffer it.
31. if you're going to compare your plot to others, compare it to the uncultivated, messy plots, not the perfectly linear, weed-free ones.
32. if you think your neighbours' plots are weed-free, look closer. They're not.

Re: 101 Ish Tips for new allotment holders.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:23 am
by JulieSherris
33. Remember that those small little seedlings will grow into huge great things eventually & give them enough room to grow! (Says me who last year, left 8 inches or so for cauliflowers... big mistake!!)

Re: 101 Ish Tips for new allotment holders.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:59 pm
by Flo
Look after your soil. You don't want to leave the soil useless and deprived when you have finished with your plot.

Re: 101 Ish Tips for new allotment holders.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:59 pm
by Mustardseedmama
35. Make friends with someone who keeps rabbits. Their droppings make lovely fertilizer, being dry, compact, and not hot. They are also lightweight and very easy to spread.
36. Use the winter to read up on gardening methods and make plans for what you'd like to do next spring. Make notes!

Re: 101 Ish Tips for new allotment holders.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:42 pm
by narmour
37. Keep on top of the weeds. A little everyday is much easier to manage than hours every 2 weeks.
38. Only grow what is suited to our climate; we're never going to be able to grow pineapples and mangoes.
39. Acknowledge that you will never learn everything and will spend your lifetime finding out new things about growing.
40. Embrace your failures and learn from them.
41. Remember it's MEANT to be fun. If it's not, you're either not doing it right or this just isn't for you.
42. Learn to walk before you try running.
43. Try not to be too smug when eating your own (clearly superior to shop bought) produce.
44. A barbecue and gas stove are essential pieces of kit for the allotment!