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Tell the difference between 2 kinds of potatoes?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:25 pm
by starbub
Hi all
I'm new to please be patient!!! Stupidly (and much to my husbands annoyance!) I have planted two varieties of potato and completely forgot to label them as to which ones I should harvest first. I can't even remember which two varieties I planted. So how can I tell which one I should harvest first? One variety is considerably shorter than the other and I have had flowers on both sorts.
I just don't want to harvest the wrong one first and then the other variety goes rotten and be a complete waste of hard work!
Many thanks in Advance

Re: Tell the difference between 2 kinds of potatoes?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:02 pm
by Cornelian
I would just put my hand in and have a bit of a feel. :) (I'm like that ...) If they are nice and big, or even small but round and tempting, pull a few out and eat them. If they are tiny, leave them be for a bit.

Potatoes here are never sold as earlies or lates or whatever. They're just potatoes (of whatever named variety). So you always harvest them whenever the spuds are ready or you can't wait any longer. :)

Re: Tell the difference between 2 kinds of potatoes?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:23 am
by Odsox
If you planted earlies and maincrop them the earlies have shorter growth and are probably beginning to look a bit sad by now, getting ready to die down (depending on when you planted them)
Maincrop on the other hand should be flourishing with taller stems of dark green healthy leaves and lots of flowers.