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New book?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 5:44 pm
by MuddyWitch
To follow the brilliant Ish Bible (that was OH's Yule pressy to lucky me) how about an ISH recipe book? Along the lines of Fork to Fork maybe? Explaining how to grow the majority of each recipe's ingrediants would make it more readable and interesting. I'm sure some of us ISHers could donate recipes, it would just need some-one( :andy: ?) to collate & edit.

It could have sections on container crop recipes for small spaces, garden crop recipes for those of us lucky enough to have more space, allotment recipes, smallholding recipes & bought stuff recipes, based on summat like a leg of organic lamb or organic steak for those special occassions.

If it was split into Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter maybe we could help people to eat more seasonally?

Just a thunk, after Yule mead :drunken: