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Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:00 pm
by wulf
I've never had a television of my own. My parents had one but it wasn't on the priority list when I left home after coming back from University and I never got round to getting one. Yes, I've had that conversation with the TV licensing agency several times...

That said, I've watched a fair amount of TV since broadcasters started providing online streaming through iPlayer and similar services from the other channels. To be honest, I'm surprised that this doesn't attract a licence fee but I checked several times before starting to use it in earnest. I think the ratio of finding something worth watching compared to just watching what's on is better with such a wide catalogue of programmes laid out. To be honest, I probably would be willing to pay a small licence fee to cover that (and also to cover radio usage) but, since life is so full of other "official" charges please don't worry that I am about to start a campaign to get such a fee introduced.


Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:43 am
by Sky
oldjerry wrote:Sky, it must be pretty crap over there!!
Truly awful oldjerry, too many commercials and american soaps/dramas!
Give me good old british tv any day, but I think if I had i sky I could get rid of the commercials but am not willing to pay the extra to do this. I don't really watch a lot anyways, am usually at work, in the garden, feeding the livestock or on the internet.

Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:15 pm
by Lillia
No TV in our house, by choice :sunny:

Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:58 am
by Maykal
Got rid of my TV a couple of years ago. Found I wasn't watching it enough to make it worthwhile paying the cable subscription. Anyway, Romanian TV is as bad as UK TV is these days, only with more Benny Hill re-runs!

Nowadays I find that the 'net allows me to watch most of what I want to watch, generally without all the awful adverts and trailers. Cinema only costs a couple of quid here too.

Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:47 pm
by eco-mick
Nearly a month - and doesn't miss the tv at all. :cooldude:

Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:08 pm
by JuzaMum
Anyone know how to persuade two teenagers and one husband to give up the TV - I wish I knew


Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:12 pm
by Lillia
JuzaMum wrote:Anyone know how to persuade two teenagers and one husband to give up the TV - I wish I knew

I think your husband has to be convinced first or you are fighting a one man battle. You both need to be on the same page or it's going to be impossible to convince teenagers who are accustomed to tv. Good luck :wink:

Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:21 am
by President Bartlet
What about stopping 'normal' TV and just using BBC iplayer and maybe 4OD that way you watch the good programmes when you want without the mindless channel surfing that lots of people do. We've got a teen and it works for us. :icon_smile:

Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:06 pm
by chickenchargrill
We do the same, no TV service here but we do have Netflix, and the other, free on-demand services. It certainly cuts down on how much the TV is on.

Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:07 pm
by bill1953
I got a television when my ex was with me because she is a soap addict. I haven't watched it since she went. I lost the remote months ago. The licence expires in June. It will be gone by then. I listen to the radio, read news off the interent, buy the odd paper and watch documentary cd's on the laptop. If there's a single woman out there who can live without a telly get in touch!

Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:24 pm
by mrsflibble
the tv goes on at 1:45pm for me to watch neighbours. it is then off again until either sophie has completed all of her homework/home-set work or the Simpsons, whichever comes first. If I'm out/busy at neighbours time, I'llwatch it in the evening. I've given up trying to watch it on the five website.
it is limited at weekends, but we do make time on either friday evening or sunday to sit down as a family and watch a film.
I like being able to have a lie in on either saturday or sunday while sophie puts herself a DVD on, gets herself breakfast and leaves me alone! this only happens when james is on day shift, or it's a special occasion though. last week: mother's day.

Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:27 pm
by Thomzo
I'm afraid that mine is on most of the time, except when I'm studying. Couldn't tell you what was on though. I'm either doing something else, in which case I'm not watching it, or I fall asleep. I can't just sit and watch TV without falling asleep.


Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:10 pm
by mrsflibble
if Iam watching I need to be doing something else too most of the time otherwise I have a tendancy to snack... so sewing, crochet or knitting ;)
and we "only" have freeview.

Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:06 pm
by Bulworthyproject
We put our TV in the cupboard under the stairs about 9 years ago. We didn't want to get rid of it in case we heard of something worth watching. Before that we watched TV all the time. After a couple of years of leaving it in the cupboard under the stairs because we didn't see the trailers so we didn't hear of anything good to watch, we got rid of it. Now as we live in a caravan in the woods, we have no cupboard under the stairs to keep it in if we wanted one.

Re: Does anyone NOT have a television?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:47 pm
by southeast-isher
I've just got an old Hinari Traveller 10" now. I watched The Apprentice on it the other day which i enjoyed... especially not being part of the rat-race. It's a cathode-ray but a nice small size - my Nan used it when she went caravanning back in the day. When the analogue signal gets turned off i will only be able to watch DVDs on it as won't get a freeview box for it.

This one: