washing powder.... different smell?!

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Re: washing powder.... different smell?!

Post: # 132853Post Flo »

If Mrs Fibble is still reading - she could nip round Asda and get a kilo of soda crystals for around 55p. Mix a table spoon full with warm water and tip into the washing machine soap drawer as the machine starts to fill. I've found it softens the water so I've given up using softener.

I'd call that a save/save situation. I put my washing out to dry as much as possible so it comes in fresh without adding anything to improve the smell. I'm sorry but I can't be worried about the smell if I can get it free.

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Re: washing powder.... different smell?!

Post: # 135100Post janemiss »

I also use 1 tablespoon soda crystals + 1 teaspoon wash powder for each wash (59p soda crystals + £2.50 approx small box asda eco friendly soap powder) I can make a small box of wash powder last at least a month and theres 3 adults & i infant in our house. The soda crystals get the clothes clean and the small amount of soap powder is to make sure they arent too strong for grandsons skin. I use 1 small capful of white vinegar in softener drawer. I have found that this is a great way of saving money and i have found the clothes to be just as clean as when i was scooping in huge amounts of any old soap powder. Also fabric softener was costing me a fortune & 9 times out of ten I used far too much and had to re-rinse the clothes to get rid of the white residue. I have found a recipe on another site for home made washing up liquid which is saving me a large amount of money also
the ingredients are
2tblsp soap flakes £1.09 - wilko's
2tblsp soda crystals 59p
1 teaspoon white vinegar £1.59 ( 5 litres) local shop
2 litres boiling water
few drops tea tree or lemon oil £1.99 - £2.50
Mix all together and decant into old washing up liquid bottle. It does go slightly gloopy when cooled but with a strong squirt it will wash pots & remove grease. The original recipe was just using tea tree oil but ive tried it with lemon oil and it smells better but still has the anti bacterial effect. I know you shouldnt mix vinegar with soda crystals but its a minimal amount of vinegar & is diluted with the 2 litres boiling water. It seems expensive when you buy it all in from scratch but will last 6 months +

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Re: washing powder.... different smell?!

Post: # 135172Post pouch »

some good ideas here, not thought of adding essential oil to the actual wash

I do mix 6-10 drops into the water I use in the iron which makes the clothes smell nice and makes me feel relaxed after inhaling the steam from the iron, which can't be a bad side-benefit when doing the ironing ;)

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Re: washing powder.... different smell?!

Post: # 141513Post janemiss »

Hi all, i received a free trial of soapnuts off the internet a few weeks ago but wasnt too impressed. they didnt seem as good as i'd thought theyd be, I decided to have a look in local health food shops and have found a fairly local supplier who will order them for me as i need them, I have picked them up today and they are 100% better, they had a different consistancy i noticed straight awa (slightly sticky) and ive done 2 loads of washing already and they are a lot better than the free ones i got. The new ones are supplied by soappods. they were £10.50 for 500g, or i could have had 250g for £5.95 or 1kg for £19.99. I think i will definately buy these again, but to save travel costs (shops about 8 - 9 miles away) i will get the 1kg size next time. :flower:

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Re: washing powder.... different smell?!

Post: # 141514Post fruitcake »

If too skint to buy ecover / similar and don't have time to make your own you could ask santa / friends to get the stuff for presents at birthday / xmas time? I've taken to buying my mates / family this stuff - esp the bulk packages - for their xmas / housewarming / thank you pressies. All have been delighted and taken no offence lol.

Personally I hate the 'smelly' powder, apart from being allergic to most of it anyway.

pouch - I likey the lavender oil in the iron idea! :flower:

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Re: washing powder.... different smell?!

Post: # 142171Post the.fee.fairy »

MrsF - If i can find it, do you want the remainders of the bag of soapnuts that i've got somewhere?

Just stick some in one of those washing tablet bag thingies and chuck them in the wash. They did hav some instructions that said that you could soak them between washes in a water/essential oil solution for yummy scented washing, i tried it a couple of times but i didn't really notice much difference.

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